Drop all user objects (prior to an oracle import)

# ——————————————————————————————-

  • Step 1: the generate_drop_all.sql script is used to generate drop statements for all objects that belongs to the current user. Theses statements are generated into drop_all_objects.sql
  • Step 2: the drop_all_objects.sql script is used to drop everything prior to import
  • Step 3: import…


# Step 1 :Move to the /tmp directory
# Copy the generate_drop_all.sql file here
# Generate the drop script
exit | sqlplus target_user/target_password @generate_drop_all.sql

# -> a new file drop_all.sql is generated

# Step2 : Run the drop script
exit | sqlplus target_user/target_password @drop_all_objects.sql

# Step3 : Import the dump
imp userid=target_user/target_password file= the_dump_file.dump log=the_log_file.log fromuser=origin_user_name touser=target_user_name

Content of the generate_drop_all.sql file

set feedback off
set trimspool on
set echo off
set verify off
set linesize 200
set pagesize 0
spool drop_all_objects.sql

select ‘drop ‘ || object_type || ‘ ‘ || object_name || ‘ cascade constraints;’
from user_objects
where object_type in (‘TABLE’);

select ‘drop ‘ || object_type || ‘ ‘ || object_name || ‘;’
from user_objects
where object_type not in (‘TABLE’, ‘INDEX’, ‘PACKAGE BODY’, ‘LOB’);

select ‘commit;’
spool off

One thought on “Drop all user objects (prior to an oracle import)”

  1. Today, I came across a new object type in the user_objects view: the LOB (used for binary content).
    The first version of the script did not take it into account: it tried to execute a ‘drop’ command on anything that was not of the ‘TABLE’, ‘INDEX’ or ‘PACKAGE BODY’ type. This leads to an error.
    According to oracle, the lob object should not be dropped (only the table that use it should).
    The above script is now updated to exclude ‘LOB’ from the drop command.

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