Write and read to a samba shared directory using java (JCIFS)

Challenge of the day: publish a file to a microsoft shared directory and then re-read it.

Windows OSes rely on the SAMBA protocol to share files and directories. Thanks to the JCIFS project( http://jcifs.samba.org/), an open source library, we can access theses kind of shares via java.

Under linux, we could have performed it a the shell level using the SMBclient command line utility.

The example is pretty self explanatory, just remember to add jcifs-1.2.25.jar to your classpath and to adapt the authentication parameters to your real login in the url.

import jcifs.smb.*;
public class SMBClient {
  public static void main(String[] args) {
      // jcifs.Config.setProperty( "jcifs.netbios.wins", "" );
      String url="smb://domain;user_name:user_password@server_name/directory/test_file.txt";
      String content="hello !";
      SmbFileOutputStream out = new SmbFileOutputStream(url);
      System.out.println("File written, now trying to re-read it:");
      SmbFileInputStream in = new SmbFileInputStream(url);
      byte[] b = new byte[10000];
      int n;
      while(( n = in.read( b )) > 0 ) {
        System.out.write( b, 0, n );
    }catch(Exception e){

Thanks to Cyril for the challenge 🙂 and to the forums of developpez.net (in french) for an example.