Make eclipse Galileo 3.5 work with NTMLv2 Proxy

I installed eclipse 3.5 at my work place (where we access internet through an authenticated NTML proxy).  I was unable to make eclipse pass through this proxy, which prevented me to install updates and additional software.

Anthony Dahanne’s describes the workaround on his blog (in french). The Apache httpclient implementation should be disabled because it doesn’t work well with NTMLv2 proxies.

For NTLMv2 Proxies, that require user name and password for access the workaround is to

  1. Disable the ECF httpclient provider.
  2. Provide the NTLMv2 proxy authentication info (proxyhost, domain, username, and password)

In practice, edit your eclipse.ini file to append the following properties.


Original article :
Eclipse bug
Eclipse wiki which provides the solution: